
Sep 12, 2023 Publish

Unmarried Women's Abortion Choices: Empowering Decision-Making

In the modern landscape of reproductive healthcare, the significance of empowering unmarried women to make well-informed decisions regarding their reproductive health cannot be overstated...

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Sep 11, 2023 Publish

safe & legal Abortions with Dignity

Abortion is also known as Medical Termination of Pregnancy. Abortion is a procedure to end an unwanted pregnancy...

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Aug 25, 2023 Publish

Safe and Confidential Abortion Centre in South Delhi

In the heart of the bustling metropolis of South Delhi lies a sanctuary of care and understanding for women facing complex decisions - Dr. Rupali's Abortion Centre...

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Nov 7, 2022 Publish

Abortion for Unmarried Women in India

The Supreme Court of India has recently passed a progressive & landmark judgment on 29.09.2022 in SLP No. 12612/2922 in the matter titled as X v. Govt NCT of Delhi & Ors (2022) for the abortion...

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Nov 15, 2022 Publish

Unsafe Abortions in India

Unsafe & Illegal Abortions are the true reality of India where unmarried pregnant women go to quacks or unregistered centres for their termination.

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Nov 21, 2022 Publish


It is essential for couples who are looking for abortion centres/clinics for termination of unwanted pregnancy that the centre/clinics must be an approved place for ...

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March 13, 2020 Publish

Abortion and it's legality in India

Abortion means termination/ending of an undesired pregnancy by removing the fetus and placenta from the mother’s womb (uterus). It is also known as the Medical Abortion.

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March 2, 2020 Publish

How Safe are Aboration in India?

It is important to know that the undesired or unwanted pregnancy can be terminated only at the Govt. hospitals or the private medical centres...

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March 16, 2020 Publish

Meaning of Abortion

There is a general misconception or lack of clarity about getting a Medical Termination of Pregnancy or abortion in India. Many women or couples are not aware that it is legal in India since 1971...

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